What should I do if my father threatens me and my mother?

- in Hardware

I'm 14 and that's the text I wrote myself in despair in the notes. :
Why I don't want to look at this any longer here at home, I'll tell you exactly what happened. Last weekend I drove to my grandmother's and when I came back my father threatened me with a hammer. Today I was threatened again that if I leave I will never come back home. Even if I want to go to a friend, I'm not allowed to. My things are being destroyed, my monitors are being taken away from me. Sure there are reasons for that, but certainly not for threatening me with a hammer.

The reasons: Too long on the PC, bad grades (which is no longer true because I have a 1.1 grade at a secondary school) lied a lot at the time (for which I have already apologized. It all happened about 3-4 years ago Since then I have been following the rules. My father just wants to make my life hell, I'm not allowed to meet my friends, not to go out, not to go to my grandmother's, nothing at all,

I was strangled by him at night and was scared to death while I was sleeping. I wanted to go to the police but my mother always says if I do that I'll break everything. Sure I did a few things wrong, but something? I don't think anyone can imagine a worse youth at my age. Search or not, I don't sit in front of the pc for 8 hours to gamble. I cut videos for customers 3 euro the video and I want to go into the esports scene myself at some point but nobody understands that (I won 1200 euro in Fortnite) because I'm always just a searcher. You can't agree on anything (which I don't feel like doing anymore anyway). Everyone thinks that when I talk disrespectfully to others it is because I have no manners or have not been educated but I'm just dissatisfied with my life, while all my friends are allowed to hang out for 10-12 hours. I didn't say that I want that too, but just because of the home scrolling you sit for a minimum of 4 hours in front of the computer. I don't know what to do with me, I just want to pursue my goals. I'm not allowed into the home because there are no places there. What should I do in your place? To the police? Youth welfare office? What should I do? Without that mom and dad hate each other? In and of itself, I don't want to do anything wrong. No longer in the mood for my life!


Definitely to the police. Take care of yourself. Go to the bureau with your mom


Oh I'm sorry! I can't think of anything right now. Maybe threaten the police / youth welfare office first and see how he reacts?


He then says do it, you will see what happens


What you are describing does not work. He threatens your life several times, deprivation of liberty?

Go to the youth welfare office and get advice first. You should, however, make a list with the date, where and when what happens or how long to go out, why, including any witnesses.

Ideally also for the mother, ideally with an indication of whether she had to see a doctor.

Unfortunately, too many women persist in such relationships. You'll do your mother a favor too, then hopefully she'll fall out of her bladder.


Maybe you can look for advice centers in your area. You could also talk to employees from the youth welfare office. Your parents don't need to know anything about it first. I think the best thing is to look for something nearby where you can turn. Maybe there's something in school too?

That doesn't sound too great and I'm sorry