I have little privacy, annoying parents what to do?


My mother annoys me ALWAYS and if not my mother then my father I play Fortnite, talk to others and then my mother always comes in constantly to get my clothes and that always annoys me really hard, she always comes in! She does not even knock or my dad yesterday, he just comes in my room and sees that I play NO but he wants me to help him with something because he does not speak German so well and then he talks to my friends. This is ultra embarrassing! And today, I hate it when my mom calls one of her friend's phone. Then she is always so loud and then she still laughs loud and that bothers me, I mean she could talk a little quieter. Especially whenever I shower, she comes in and waits until I'm done, because she thinks I might use some help♀️ I have little privacy and I have a twin brother, he has a lot of privacy except me! Whenever he plays Fortnite, my parents NEVER come in, and when I talk to my parents about it my mother screams at me. What should I do? I never have my peace & my brother understands me and when we're alone then he goes out extra mlt friends so I'm alone and can rest. P.s am 13


That's not nice, though. Of course you can have privacy.

Talk to a confessor about it.

And shut the door when you shower.


Just tell your parents to get out of your room. Agreed times where they should let you rest, because you want time for you, then you just stop then stop offering something like. That you help your parents in the household.

When I play with my friends, my mother often comes in and also with you. Is not bad, because I can with a quick, have a headset with mute switch function.


I tell my parents that they should go out or come in a few hours when I'm done playing. When I say that they should go out, they are annoyed by me and then usually take my pocket money away as "punishment".


Everyone in my family has their rights, but also their duties! But that I was asked from the room of our children, I have not experienced. Many adolescents forget that everything (including cell phones and the games, which are not cheap) is financed by the parents and they basically can't contribute anything because they are still too young or later do not feel like spending their pocket money so to improve that they can also buy some of it.

Your father should knock on your door, he should know that. You could stand there half naked, which would be very embarrassing. Otherwise, sit down and talk to each other and put everything on the table, which does not suit you. It would have to settle down, without shouting.


What does the teacher of trust have to do with it, when living together with parents and siblings does not go quite well.


He could give advice to the FS and if necessary talk to the parents.


Then let it go! You do not need pocket money with 13! All you need is to pay your parents in their old age, so school supplies, food and clothes because they have to take care of you. If you make you dependent on not getting any pocket money, then you have to shut up and be parading like a farmhand!


Aha, and which parents abide by such rules? It would be nice if girls did not always learn that it is normal for other people to cross their borders. Especially men. Because you learn from such an education: that it is quite normal that others may invade their own privacy, as they want right now.

Parents persuade? Ga Gatlinnathalia
Parents think I'm crazy? De Decadeemerie