Is my pc enough for gambling?

- in Hardware

I want to build a PC and generally use it only for gambling.

Here are my parts:

Processor: AMD Ryzer http://tel:2600/

http://tel:112 7 euro)

Motherboard: ASRock Bhttp://tel:450 M Pro4

http://tel:76 euro)

Graphics card: Radeon RX http://tel:570 (4GB)

http://tel:132 euro)

RAM: 8GB Patriot Viper http://tel:3000 Mhz

http://tel:55 euro)


Patriot http://tel:240 GB Internal SSD Hard Drive - 2.5 "/ 6.4cm Burst for Burst - SATA 6Gb /

http://tel:30 euro)

Hard drive: 1TB Toshiba performance

http://tel:41 euro)

Power supply: http://tel:400 W Bequiet System Power 9

http://tel:41 euro)

Case: Sharkoon tg5 rgb

http://tel:70 euro)

All in all, it costs 602 euro. Is everything compatible with each other and is it enough for gambling? This means whether the PC new games with high settings would be liquid playable. Like Fortnite, Apex Legend, League of Legends, Shadow Hunt, Black ops 4.


(Secret?) Tip:


I would recommend taking at least the 8GB version of the RX570, and then prefer to grab a Ryzen 5 2400G. You'll be able to remove high settings with the RX570 in BO4, Showdown Hunt and probably also in Apex Legends. The RX 570 is still more at the bottom of the flagpole, especially the 4GB model. As in current games are more low to medium settings program, in LoL and Fortnite medium to high settings, however, should not be a problem.

Is the RAM a set of two RAM sticks or is it a single one? A two-set is always better, since the RAM then runs in dual-channel.


How does this help me? Do not realize the meaning of the website. Sry xD


Ram is two. And why is the video card so bad? Many promise high performance such as hardware or creative corners. For example At Fortnite high settings and still liquid.


The prices are a bit high. The CPU costs for example 139 euro:

Then I would swap the RX 570 for the 8GB variant, rewards much more and is even cheaper!

Generally everything should be cheaper on Mindfactory. The RAM may be the G.Skill Aegis 16 GB 3000 MHz Dual Kit! And then you are really well positioned for Full HD Gaming.

Oh yes: Take the motherboard without the variant "M", looks better in an ATX case. (So B450 Pro4 AMD)

Tip: I would save on the housing!


Do not listen to him, a RX 570 with 8gb is enough to play the most games without problems on medium to high. And why he advises here to 2400g, I would like to know myself.


Dear real PC as some streaming Sche1ß


Does anyone promise?

As I said, the RX 570 is just at the bottom of AMD's graphics card portfolio and currently represents the entry-level class in gaming.

With the 8GB version, the problems should be limited, but of the 4GB version, I would really advise against.


Your games run on a PC or server at the company Shadow, and only the image is transferred to your PC, or your keyboard and mouse input, of course, transmitted to Shadow. So you could play well even on a very weak PC. However, you have to pay for it monthly, the picture quality is a bit worse, there may be a minimal delay and without Internet or slow internet you can't play at all. I'm not convinced.


What's the difference? The 4gb costs 132 euro and the 8gb 149 euro where is the big difference?


Okay, if we only talk in the third person now:

He wants to let you know that he thinks you'd rather save a bit on the processor than on the graphics card, as most games are more graphic intensive. Although it is a pity that one pays the iGPU in the 2400G, but unfortunately there's no other model under the 2600 in the 2nd Ryzen generation.

He would also like to see BO4 run on high settings with a constant 60 FPS on a RX 570.


The 8GB version has just twice as much graphics memory (VRAM). In this, e.g. The textures needed to display the objects in the game are saved. If not all textures fit into the VRAM, they need to be reloaded from the slower memory, which may cause jerks or low FPS. Alternatively, you can turn down the texture quality, but then everything looks mushy, because then textures are used with lower quality. 4 GB are relatively short in current games, 8 GB, however, are sufficient for virtually all games. Even the RX Vega 64 for example, one of AMD's top models, has 8 GB, just because hardly a game needs more.

It would be optimal, if it fits into the budget, the Ryzen 5 2600 and the RX 570 8GB.


Yes, Ryzen has found 5 2600 for 140 euro and graphics card 8 gb for 150 euro thanks for the statement!


So thanks to you I have been able to afford everything 8gb and ryzen 5 2600


No thing. After that comes theoretically the RX 580 8 GB from about 180 euro. The RX 580 is currently one of the best cards in terms of value for money, as there are already rather high settings in it. If you can find the 30 euro, the RX 580 is definitely a very good deal too. Otherwise, as I said, the 8 GB version of the 570 is also okay, but of the 4GB version I'm just not a fan.


I did not write to you, so nothing third person. And ne much less future-proof CPU to get, just because you want to save NEN 20, is a nasty stupid proposal

In addition, the RX 580 is already available for 160 euro


Well with me funkts flawlessly


Super that makes me happy. See if you still get the G.Skill Aegis 16GB in the budget for 75 euro. If you take the other case that should actually fit!