Is my PC enough for Fortnite?


Hi. I would like to play Fortnite on this PC. I know it is not a gaming PC. If so, what settings could I use? Thank you.

Is my PC enough for Fortnite Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 1 Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 2 Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 3 Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 4 Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 5 Is my PC enough for Fortnite - 6

(I don't know if the benchmark results are correct)


Aif low to medium settings it will I think run in FHD.


Will work but don't expect miracles.

My daughter plays on a similar system with a GT1030 2GB DDR5 RAM and doesn't complain.

But clearly with reduced details and 900p.

Unfortunately you also have a very bad mainboard which doesn't allow OC, that is your problem besides the bad GPU.


So whoever has put this pc together is the absolute whistle because the igpu is almost as fast as the 1030.

Yes fortnite should run acceptable and is also very suitable for upgrading


The 1030 is a bit stronger because it doesn't use RAM, but of course a waste of money if a Vega 8 is included for free and there's a RX570 for a little more money.


I just checked again, the Vega 8 is even significantly better xD in a few games


Yes, I don't understand the jam anyway.

The apu is actually designed to be upgraded with a GPU, but why do you install a 1030?


It's the worst combination I've seen in a long time.

Shame on the creator.


Fortnite runs smoothly with the setup. Please refer:


Only fortnite is asked here.

Fortnite runs almost everywhere. Fortunately, it's not a detailed graphic.

With my 1660 super I can play such games in 4k Ultra and 60 fps


It is an office PC.


Thank you!