What is a skin contest?

- in Skins

I have been playing fortnite for about 2 weeks and wanted to ask what a skin contest is


Nothing of importance. Should just pull the coal out of the pockets


A skin contest is when, for example, a streamer evaluates the skin combination of players and whoever has the best combo wins.

Otherwise just enter the Skin Contest on YouTube and watch a video about it.


Are mostly streams where you spam any number or word 10 million times into the chat and the streamer chooses some random and he gets a skin

But there are also other skin contests where Randoms are invited and the one who has the "best" combination of pickaxe, skin, glider etc. Wins

WARNING: 99.999% of these streams are fakes and scams and do not fall for real


There you rate a skin. That means whether the pickaxe, hang glider etc. Fits the skin or not.

Just have a look at Syou or standartskill, they do that from time to time.


It has nothing to do with the Skin Contest…


I forgot to add that, I left it again xD


A competition in which you should usually show a good skin combination with a partner, which then also goes together with the partner. Often you should then do a little story with suitable emotes and the best wins.