I'm actually not a Fortnite fan, but my brother really wanted me to download it, so I just download it. But why does Fortnite need 40GB?!
Strange question. 40 GB is not much these days.
It has decent graphics. Besides, it's not just battle royale but also a story game. Something is coming together.
cod is also 130 gb or so big
At 200 kb / s
Many of today's games have more but I would still choose the reason that fortnites quality is poor
The internet speed doesn't change anything.
80gb + is almost standard nowadays, so 40 GB is still little
Because fortnite is bad. There are games that have 1000x more and much better graphics (if you can call that at fortnite graphics ^^) and still have less memory
Then get a better internet connection.
If I didn't have to wait for hours I wouldn't care anyway
I see. Then your question is actually meaningless.
First of all, 40 GB is not much for a game
It gets updates every week, so it gets bigger and bigger.
More. With all updates around 250GB