Why do you need so much memory for fortnite?

Why do you need so much memory for fortnite

but the internet is about 40 gb?

Why do you need so much memory for fortnite - 1

I could imagine that the 40GB refers to the first version. But if you download the game jz all patches, updates etc are of course already included.


40gb was much earlier. The information on the Internet is no longer current.


You always need more memory for a game than it's actually big. They already calculate how much memory it might need if further updates are needed. So it may be that you need 60GB to install at the end it is only 30 GB in size.


They never change that, in any game. Ark says it needs 60Gb, it is up to 300Gb without all additional maps are 210Gb.


40GB base, plus updates, DLCs, packs, fixes, events, … And whoops, a game inflates by several gigabytes.

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