How much memory does fortnite need in total on the switch
Too much that it is worth installing on the switch
How much exactly
71 GB why do you want to install it on the switch?
Almost 2 GB.
Yes, and it certainly doesn't take 71 Gb
With all updates?
No, because my friend also plays it and says that it will work out
Yes also going out does the scrap
+ Updates
But you only have 32 Gb on the switch, so it can't use 71 Gb
Haha what kind of scrap part is that… Fortnite consumes 31 GB, you can look up and then comes an update and away isser
Hello you can buy extra memory cards
For me it is about 20 Gb
How do you get to 71GB?
So much it takes up on pc and on the switch it can't be any different, read on I have corrected it to 31gb, what is true, I checked it out
I'll look again at home.
11.3 GB says my switch. This is also what it says in the eShop