Fortnite or Minecraft?


What do you prefer and why?

Do you play the other one too?

Do you hate the other (if so why)?


I played then. Was fun. I tried Fortnite in the coffee shop on the PS4 and didn't understand the whole game


Don't hate Fortnite, even play it for a few hours every new season, but Minecraft is just a game that shaped my youth.

I can really always play that.

I have calculated 2000 hours of play.


Clearly Minecraft. Play it for years. Sometimes very active, sometimes less active. You can develop your full creativity and build something, but also a round of PvP is sometimes nice.


I've been playing Minecraft since 2017 and I'm excited to make new things, all the possibilities to play mods or just build a round survival in normal minecraft or in creative wat. I like Fortnite too, but for me dat is a game for in between.


I might be looked at for stupid, but I feel Fortnite more.

Maybe it's also because minecraft was my first game, but Fortnite was the first game I actively played.

Minecraft never really appealed to me to be honest.