I want to stay up to date with my pc. What can I change?


Evening these are the things that are built into my pc want to stay current.

and new one doesn't want to buy a new pc and bugget doesn't care plus a new headset what you can recommend to me, including mw egoshort gamble wow lol and fortnite

Thank you in advance.

I want to stay up to date with my pc. What can I change

Everything is built into my pc


First: German is at the start kappa XD

Second: Interestingly, the screen contained in the PC is XD For the next time I would not recommend a finished PC

But now

The graphics card is from 2014/2013. The current is the net XD. If the budget doesn't matter, just buy a RTX 3090 Super for about 1200 euro or so. Is recommended

Regarding the processor: For a 70 euro processor it is quite good, but it is not up to date either. Just go up a bit in the generations. In the middle class, maybe. Nen 5 3600 or if you are bothered by budget net iwi nen i9 for 1000 euro XD

In general: The PC is out of date. From the individual things it looks like a 300 euro-450 euro PC to me. That's why I would put a new, individually assembled PC, and if you don't care about the budget, buy a new one. The thing is definitely ok, but old, and it's NO MORE worth buying a new graphics card or something for it, as long as you don't upgrade MB and CPU etc. Directly with lol


About the headset: I can recommend Beyerdynamic to you. They make studio headphones, professional microphones and very good gaming headsets

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