Is the ggaming psc good?


For fortnite

Is the ggaming psc good Is the ggaming psc good - 1

Is not really good now: lame RAM, bad power supply, (relatively) old processor. I would not buy.

There are already 2060 for the price.


In this case you should add an HDD, 240GB are really close. Also Windows 10, unless you want to install yourself.


The PC is too expensive for the price.

This is already your 23rd question which PC you want to buy for Fortnite. You have already been suggested some suitable and even which one can assemble.

Now finally buy a PC or grab the console. More help is no longer possible


In no case buy this PC is more than just outdated and too expensive there's already a Ryzen 2600 (x) which costs more and costs little more and you still get a 2070 to the worlds better than the lame 1060

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