Is gaming pc good in media market?


Which one is better in fortnite

Is gaming pc good in media market Is gaming pc good in media market - 1

You compare 2 PCs with a price difference of 200 euro. For the difference even Mediamarkt gets something better, even if the hardware is probably worth only 30 euro more.
Here it is better.


No, there you are better served with the hardware hardware PC. It costs even 200 euro less.


Or he pays the same for hardware advice and gets a better and more up-to-date PC.


Or that. ^^


No complete PC off the shelf can compare with a DIY.

DIY is always the best option and if you still oppose it. There's no way around it. Unless you buy it with intention and annoyed later on the rausgeschmissene money (when finished PC)


You just have to compare the GTX 1060 with an RTX 2060.
And Media Markt does not even indicate if this is the 3 or 6GB variant.

Alone because the information is missing, I would not buy at Mediamarkt. As you can see immediately how they deduct the customer!


Do not you also sell your customers a "finished PC"?
So a configured and assembled by you PC?

This is exactly what makes hardware advice with good prices.


When I sell to customers Pc Systems I also advise you on the components. Do not obstruct any third party components or world market mass merchandise let alone OEM. For me, the components are installed exclusively in retail. Do not even take bulk. The parts are in addition and the documents gets the customer in a separate box to the device. So it is practically the same as a DIY.

And that's the big difference from mass-produced PC systems.


Well then that's good that of hardware advice does not use retail goods. He uses high-quality components and does not demand too much money for that.
He has only a very small team and offers these PCs without further configuration options to keep the hardware and personnel costs low and thereby be able to offer low prices.
For someone who does not dare to assemble the PC himself hardware advice is a good choice.


Unfortunately, you're wrong. Harwarwar also uses mass-produced OEM, bulk and mass-market goods like most other PC manufacturers. As I've already written Most PC manufacturers earn their money from the hardware savings. Then sell the components as if it were retail. And most fall for these tricks. That's why you stingy with the information about the hardware to give as little as possible of it.