Are Fortnite PC Lobby Players Lighter Than PS4 Lobby?


I always hear from some of the pc lobby how simpler are game behavior. And there are also very good pc players


Hello @ Iogicedog, I think rather that the opposite is the case. But I prefer not to mix in the PS4 and PC Master Race argues.


But on the contrary. PC is heavier. Does not change the fact that the game is garbage. Each one of his.


Yes, just because you hate it, everyone else should do it. Everyone knows the lyre.


I have always heard exactly the opposite. I play ps4 as well as my friends too. And we have turned off all crossplay There were already a few discussions back then because of the tournaments, as it is unfair that controller players compete against keyboard players, as they have better chances.


That's why I wrote: "Each one of his"