Which PS4 Shooter Games for Beginners?


Since I can't play gta online again (spoiler lobby), I would now like to try something different.

My movement is good because I've been a mobile gamer for years. I only started with a console ~ 2 years ago. But not actively, because I find it cheap. I really prefer to play on my cell phone.

But with the controller you have so much better movement and I want to use that. However, my aim is really bad and I cash in every shooter. Except for gta.

I've played Black OPs 3, Fortnite, Warzone, WW2, Warframes. And dozens of others on PS3 - no chance anywhere. When I sweat, so Tryharde, I just manage to keep my KD at 1.

Which games are suitable for me? Noobfriendly games. Games in which there are only noobs and I can train my aim better.

Habs tried with bots, works wonderfully, aim sits too. But that's because they don't have a movement. I can even beat veteran bots because they are just bad. That's not how normal players play.


Call of Duty WWII I would suggest. You can see it on Youtube.


If you have a good command of GTA, I recommend RDR2.


With bad aim he goes under there…


Yes well ^^


That's not mine.


I wrote about it.


True had read too quickly.


Even works. So I get on better there than in BO3 and Warfare.


Is Bo2 still noticeable on PS4? Or should I not touch it? I spent a few hours together on PS3, but only against bots. However, I know the maps, weapons and techniques in the game, which would bring me advantages.


I mean it doesn't even exist for the Ps4. For me it was one of the best CODs


Of course there's.


Do you have a link?


Bo2 is not available for the ps4


Right. Then it was probably a joke from a YouTuber. What about Black Ops4, MW or Rainbow 6? Is this suitable for beginners?


Simply create a new GTA account and continue playing xD.


One for the KD Kappa.


Ratchet & Clank for PS4 there's also a lot of shooting. 😁

Joking aside, the ones you mentioned are good for beginners because the controls are easy to use. To get better, you just have to make an effort and invest more time in the game: practice, practice and practice again. You can also buy a mouse and keyboard for the console. Can you handle it even better then?


Mouse and keyboard come closest to the cell phone or tablet display, yes. However, so far I've only gambled on the computer at school (Krunker.io) and it works even worse than the controller. But I never used anything like that outside of school.


So r6 is quite difficult to learn in my opinion