Csgo 4: 3 or 16: 9 and do you have tips for beginners?


I started with CSGO, I play valorant and Fortnite so I'm not new here.

In any case, I ask myself whether 4: 3 or 16: 9 is better, so what is recommended for beginners? In valorant I play 1920x1080.

Do you have any tips? I'm relatively good at aiming, but I don't call and play games.


If you have a 16: 9 screen, play in this mode as well. 4: 3 only leads to the fact that the picture is cropped and you see less as a result


Why should 4: 3 be better than 16: 9 if you have a 16: 9 monitor, why should you use a different format where you can see less?


This is wrong.
In a game like Counter-Strike, 4: 3 can be very good, even with a 16: 9 screen


"I also play valorant and Fortnite so I'm not new here."

Valorant and Fortnite are much easier than CSGO…

If you're just starting now, just play 1920x1080. 4: 3 are mainly played by those who are used to it because they have been playing for a long time.


How so? If I play in 16: 9, does the picture get bigger to the left and right and you can see more?


In 16: 9 but the people are much thinner / smaller don't know how to describe that, and you hit less than with 4: 3 (but that is different for each person)


I play 4: 3.

I got used to it quickly and noticed advantages with the awp.