Budjet gaming setup with pc?


I want to put together a gaming setup with a pc, but only have a budget of 350 euro. Do you have any suggestions? New parts are excluded because that is beyond my budget.

So only used parts.

I want to be able to play games like GTA, Fortnite, Call of Duty, etc. With about 60fps.


For 350 euro you could first attend a German course


Sry, I don't know that much, but a friend of mine said that he built one himself and that it is actually very easy and cheap. That probably only lasted a few days or so so if you want to try it, find out more! Otherwise save 😂❤️


Budjet frame


What is there that could possibly be upgraded for little money?

Complete purchase (PC, screen, peripherals) is not possible for your budget.


I don't need a monitor. Already have one


I know how to do it, but I'm broke


Haha you can try it. He made it with a little help too - he's 13


For 2 years (since I was 11) I have only been learning things via PC's. I'm 13 myself, and I built my first PC when I was 12 years old. So building is easy but the parts are also because of the price


The best thing you can do with the money is to buy a used PC. There are very solid offers for the money. You are sure to find something on eBay (classified ads).


I see


I've also written new parts are excluded