Kid playing fortnite?


Do you think it's bad when you buy your 6 year old child an Xbox and then play Fortnite on it?


But shouldn't play a couple of rounds off that much


If the child enjoys it, why not. I played it a few years ago when I was 21 in the coffeeshop in Holland (a place where cannabis is consumed) and couldn't do anything with the game.


Fortnite might not exactly be the equivalent of a 6 year old kid.


Oh god, I don't want to imagine what it would be like if my little brother had an Xbox. Children get addicted to games quickly, so I would build in rules.


With a 6 year old? Definitely. This is the next generation Flach ****.

All the other 14 year olds who are total pros at Minecraft but are unsuitable for customer conversations, just as a poor certificate.

Thank you mom and dad that I had to finance my consoles myself after the SNES and that I could only afford them as a trainee.


Battle Royal Clon of the Chinese. What do you want to expect? But when the children associate a skin move with Fortnite rather than the original "Drop it like it's hot - by Snoop Dogg",

then I think that's questionable.


That is the reason that… Anyway, check it out


Sounds like absolute generalization