Fortnite getting better? - 3


I'm currently playing Fortnite again and I'm just bad and would like to get better, but I can hardly make any headway, I've had my keyboard binds adapted to my fingers by colleagues and I can handle them well, I often watch Amar or German-speaking pros like Vadeal, Rezon and often play and train with pros. I also have a good aim and can build very well and my movement is also good, and my edits are also quite good, at least so that I can manage 3 subject edits in a row without problems. And when I look on Youtube I only find standard tips like Zbs watch you pros, or keep practicing, so my question now is:

Does anyone know good tips to get better that could help me, I want to stop in Comp but also get better in Creative. Map codes are also welcome


If you can't, you'd better not do it. Or concentrate more.


Your answer doesn't make sense, you can always get better, especially in video games, and I think you just wanted to leave a quick answer and move on


Just practice in noob lobbies. They're not bots, just noobs, and as you may know, noobs can be really challenging, but they also help you get better.

I do it every now and then when I notice that I have to get a little better and it works out fine.


So just play squad or what are noob lobbies right now


Even if I hate fortshit you have to practice it. Practice every day. It is best to play other battle royale games or shooters in general. Can be on roblox up to CoD and PUBG. It's a matter of practice. Watch YT videos often to analyze tricks used by good players


Do you have good aim, good movement and are good at building? Then what do you fail?

If you feel you have already reached your natural limit, the only way to improve it is through hard training. Maybe improve your hardware (monitor, mouse)


Noob lobbies are lobbies with players whose level is relatively low, these lobbies are only available through a split screen and another account that has not yet been played.

But even when the level there's low, you often have challenges, because noobs are not always to be underestimated.


Sure, I don't know any other tips.


So about 1h per day times 1vs1 against friends in different sessions, for example. Construction duel or without mets would certainly make sense.