I bought a skin in Fortnite and am getting better. Why?

- in Skins

I bought the Scorpion Skin today and I'm not getting better… I have a friend and he has Renegade Raider and OG Ghoultrooper (and many more) and is much better… Can anyone help me get better?


Huh, you won't get any better if you buy any skins for hundreds of euro or am I wrong?


Yes, for sure. You could start playing adult games. So these where you really need the infamous skill.


My friend spent about 2000 euro and is much better. He has about 2000 wins in solo


So you don't need a skill in Fortnite?


These are all pros with a lot of skills


Absolutely right. I already thought my statement would be too inconspicuous.




I think this question is stupid and I also believe that this is a question that you put in here for fun.

Now for you too ^^:

You can't get better by buying cosmetics in games like Overwatch, GTA V, Fortnite or similar games, but simply look different. Your friend who has paid in over 2000 euro (which I don't believe you by the way) is maybe just so good because he played a lot and maybe has skill.

I give you an important tip: Please don't play games like Fortnite anymore.

Hope you understand everything now ^^

~ Media Shoper


He told me that he paid 2,000 euro in there. He never showed me pictures but he has a lot of skins I know and is very good. Why shouldn't I play games like Fortnite?


Since you have no precise evidence that he really paid 2000 euro, you can't be sure that this will make you better in video games such as Fortnite is not it? You trust him blindly without questioning this. It can also have become good on its own.

Why I told you not to play this anymore:

I think Fortnite has deteriorated a lot lately. In addition, they charge far too high prices for simple skins and thus take millions. I also didn't like the latest updates and I don't like the direction Fortnite is going.

~ Media Shoper