How can I texture intricate Fortnite skins in Blender?

- in Skins

I wanted to make a 3D skin for a Fortnite channel banner for someone and so far had no problems. With Umodel I saved the textures and meshes of the Skin Hasenwolf / Bunnywolf and imported them into Blender as normal. As always, I put the head and body (and of course their bones) together and everything worked out. But when texturing the skin, I have a problem, namely I don't know how to apply the neon-colored streaks of light from the skin to the model. I know that either the E Texture or the FX or M Texture is used, but even if I knew which, I still would not know how I would have to connect it to the nodes so that only the light strips as in the normal skin (see attached pictures) you can see. I hope someone can answer this complicated question xD.

Thanks in advance!


The upper one is how it should look, and the lower one is mine with the nodes so far.

How can I texture intricate Fortnite skins in Blender How can I texture intricate Fortnite skins in Blender - 1

It's best not to do anything with Fortnite except to uninstall it


The _E Texture can be connected to the Emission port of the Principled BSDF node. The FX texture, however, has to be separated into individual color channels using a Separate RGB node, then fed into separate Mix Shader nodes. From what I can tell, the Green output of Bunnywolf's FX texture is what creates the neon outline effect, and the Red output creates the eye and ear glow. The Blue output, however, might be used for something within Unreal Engine, but has no use within Blender. For her body, the Blue output is used for the neon outline, and the Red output is used for the blue emission on her outfit.

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