Blender exports without color?

- in Skins

Please no front

Hey ho fellow

I started modeling Fortnite skins in blender (or what you can call it).

My problem is as follows:

All characters and weapons downloaded and as a .blender file on my PC.

Since I do not know whether you can insert a Bledner file into a project that I already have, I exported the weapons (1 time as .fbx and 1 time as .x3d) and then imported them into a project with the character, but they have no color in both cases ( so the weapons)

How do I solve this problem?


You can import models (with textures) from a .blend file as follows:

In the new Blender project on File> Append
Navigate to the target folder and double-click the Blender project
In the subfolder "Object" and select the desired objects
Click on "Append"


Ohh thanks you really gave me a very helpful answer.


With pleasure.