Fortnite Nervous?


Hello why is that always so that I'm nervous in playground where I always respawn I'm not nervous but when I play in the playground meadow wars with other players, I'm nervous again and play worse and in solo it is like I will not nervous anymore.


Then stop with Fortnite. The game is not good anyway. By doing this you are ruining your whole life.


That is normal. In a match with respawns, you have virtually nothing to lose. If you make a mistake, rush to the next try to iron it out.

At Permadeath, you have only one try. If you make a mistake, it can be the last one right away and the time invested is for the cat. That's another, bigger tension in the room.

You can do very little. Essentially, nervousness is simply the feeling of being confronted with a strange / overburdening situation. Only practice, practice, practice, practice. Tension will always be, only dealing with it can be relaxed the bottom line.


You expect too much from you.


"By ruining it you ruin your whole life"


As I expect too much of me what do you mean by that.


Play video games → addiction → bad mood → bad grades → no desire for anything and everything except play → no friends → fall and you can't do anything in life.

Know some of them that happened / almost happened they would not have stopped.


You really want to win or you are afraid that you are just bad and the others have more skill.


Then you probably just stay in the wrong circles. I play Fortnite and other games every day and yet I have good grades and companies doing something with friends everyday. That's the same with my friends. I'm aware that there are these cases. But to generalize so I see wrong.


If you play Fortnite, you will surely know some streamer or creators who have slipped through Fortnite.


I also do not deny that there are these cases. I just think it's just wrong to generalize it, according to the motto of each of the Fortnite plays crashes.

It's not a waste of time, but it's a time distribution.


And how should I change that I'm not nervous anymore the pros are never nervous.