I accidentally while I'm fasting at a game showing m.ttelf.nger my fast jz broke and that was in fortnite that went to the player?


I accidentally while I'm fasting at a game showing m.ttelf.nger my fast jz broke and that was in fortnite that went to the player?



"Go to the jail. Go straight there. Don't go to Los. Don't draw DM 4,000."

Sure 5 verse 88


Game over 😳

Yes, now you can wait until next year.


No. But you should pull yourself together. In Ramadan you should all insults, etc. Refrain from. You should generally refrain from games. They include almost all haram and you support such manufacturers with it. In addition, you shouldn't waste your time playing games, neither in Ramadan nor in any other way, but especially on Ramadan you should do more worship. Games also have a high potential for addiction.