Pc data not available?


I had Windows 10 reinstalled and the data was backed up by them. Now I have reinstalled all of the games launcher but when I want to start the games it says that I have to install it first. My memory is full but I still can't start games. In the meantime I managed to delete Fortnite and GtaV but somehow I can't do it at Warzone. Does anyone have any idea how to do that because I really don't know my way around and I don't want to go wrong. If there are any questions about my pc just write


Since the games write data or files to the Windows folder during installation, it is also logical in the registry if I reinstall Windows these files are missing and the game can't start,
The backup of the games mostly refers to points, achievements, etc. But not to the installation.

Are errors reported that files are missing?


I don't really know what I'm doing but I had Warzone installed in my (D) folder and I can't uninstall it because the launcher shows that I didn't install it. I don't want to have it twice on my PC when I install it again. So I have to delete the old version somehow


Then delete the folder on drive "D". It is just a folder without any connection to Windows, since you have reinstalled Windows and the system-relevant files in Windows that were written there during the installation are missing.


Ok, thank you


Put in the program manager and see if there's a warzone if not then try to delete it via the eavesdropper if that doesn't work then most games or programs have an uninstall file in the warzone folder.