How can I pull data from old PC (hard disk) to my new PC (SSD)?

- in Hardware

I got a new PC and Windows 10, OBS, Steam and Fortnite on it. However, I still have an HDD in my old PC, from which I would like to draw some data on the new PC or the new SSD. I wonder now if I can simply connect this and the data on the SSD can pull. Can there be problems or do I have to consider something before that?
And I would also like to know how to pull the data from the HDD to the SSD then, if the HDD was somehow completed successfully?


You can simply remove the HDD from the old PC and infect it via Sata in the new one. The copy of files should then work fine. With programs from HDD to SSD it will not be that easy. You would have to reinstall on the SSD


Buy external USB enclosure for hard drives, insert old hard drive. To USB then connect a plate to the new PC and transfer data that you want.

Simple USB casings are already available for around 20 euro (USB 3.0)


Do it like this: Build the HDD in addition to your new PC. Then you can make in the settings for the example. The own files (documents, music, videos, pictures etc…) are always stored on the HDD. It works like this: