Which SSD hard drive do I need and how can I move Fortnite directly?

- in Hardware

Have an SSD hard drive with the Win10 64bit (and Fortnite) and a normal HDD for my data.

Now the SSD is full - Fortnite can no longer make updates…

Now would like to install a second SSD only for Fortnite, my questions:

Which SSD should I use, 120GB is enough here - what you have to consider so that the Fortnite runs as fast as before (current SSD has run Speccy 6GB / sec) - should not be too expensive
Do I just have to "plug in" the SSD or do I have to take further steps (BIOS, formatting, partitioning, etc.)?
Can I (especially how) completely move the Fortnite to the new SSD?


You create partitions under Windows.

You Can't just move Fortnite.

YT has good instructions on how to move Fortnite to another partition.


Look here



Possible that I forgot one, choose one.



I'm not an expert!

It should be possible to easily install an extended hard drive or SSD. As a rule, you do not need to make any further settings or set special configurations.

Fast SSDs are usually very easy to find. 6 GB / s, for example, are completely sufficient for normal game play (without update or programs running in parallel).

A very simple method would be to simply reinstall Fortnite on the new SSD. That would be an option if you can't find another solution.