Is that understandable?


Currently I'm gaining weight etc. And e.g. Today a friend of mine is coming

'Half brother'. He is 10 years old. And I just don't like that when strangers are sitting at the dinner table and you feel completely cramped. And I don't like my half-brother that much… I find his manner arrogant… And I just can't give myself this tiktok-fortnite talk.

Then I prefer not to eat with them or just eat in my room.


1 to 1 for me, too, something like that can't work at all.


I wouldn't take the food to my room because it's really weird. But you can say that you are not hungry yet and would rather eat something later…


I would stand over there. It just goes to show that you are weak. Not meant badly, but I would tell you what's up.


Nah i'm honest about that, and then also say that i don't like that etc.


What does it mean to say what's up? Of course I can sit there and eat, but I don't have to welcome anyone because I don't know them, etc. I prefer to eat in peace without strangers to whom I have custody.


But whether that has something to do with weakness? Do not think so.


No you don't have to. But it's your home and I suspect that you are a lot older than the two of them.


You should work on your own attitude. Hospitality isn't your thing, is it?

How old are you? Even if you may not be particularly interested in the boys' talk, a little more tolerance certainly couldn't hurt.


Why don't you just keep saying what bothers you?

Maybe think about whether you can buy a larger dining table - maybe one that can be pulled out.


Every person is different, and I'm just not someone who 'catches' strangers or is not my guest friend whatever?

of course, it is also due to my attitude, am in the process of making more contacts, and have a few goals. Because I was quite shy and not so confident for a while. And I'm currently still working on it step by step.


That's a good approach.

From my youth I just remembered that it was completely normal for me or my siblings to host school friends, often with overnight stays. We always liked that.

Even later in my studies, I often took foreign friends from the dormitory home to my parents for a weekend. You were always welcome, e.g. Over Christmas.

I always gave my parents high credit for being so welcoming.


Can you please help me with my last question?