Drawn off on Instagram, what can I do?

- in Account

I'm 14 years old and I wanted to buy a Fortnite account on Instagram. When I paid him 470 euro, the person blocked me. I paid in the form of a voucher (Amazon Card).

I can do something, I do not know any e-mail or anything else just his Instagram name.


Oh junior, what did you do…

Would you give 470 euro to an absolutely unknown person on the street and send it to you for shopping - in the belief that he will really return with the goods? Probably not.

But on Instagram you have actually done just THAT!

Refunded ad against unknown - even if the chances of success are rather low…

And ask in the future!


Who pays 470, - for a Fortnite account, has not earned it otherwise…


Thanks for the star.


No problem.