Are girls addicted to attention today?


With boys you can hear games, games, Fortnite etc

With us girls, I keep noticing that a lot of them just can't get away from their smartphones. Some shoot photos all the time, have to edit them so that they are cute and hang permanently on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc

I also have Instagram, but I quickly get a headache from the small screen. Do you think smartphones and social media make us addicted to girls, just like games appeal to boys? Would appreciate honest opinions.


You have your addiction

The girls theirs

Out of the mouse

Nothing is better, nothing is worse


I think some girls wanted to get attention before that. These media can only get them more. Some have a very low self-esteem and therefore seek attention to push their egos.

Of course, this can also be addictive.


On average, girls and women need a lot more attention than men and are also much more emotional than men. They are also hypergamous and only want to marry the "best men". Everything has been scientifically proven. But since it is not politically correct, society does not want to hear anything like that.


Everyone is different, so it's hard to say;)


I wouldn't generalize like that. That probably has a lot to do with hormone changes during puberty. In general, I observe something similar to you, but it depends very much on the group.


So I want to hear that.

I already knew that. But also noticed that a small, but very loud minority is extremely sensitive


I'm glad that you remain factual and think realistically.