Link a new PSN account to an Epic Games account?

- in Account

I have the problem that my friend temporarily connected her fortnite account (epic games) to my playstation with my PSN account until she has her own psn account. Now that she has her own psn account, she can't link it to her epic games account because it always says that it is already linked. The thing is now that I want to use my account again for my fortnite account because I can no longer play the new season on my mobile phone. Is there a way?


Has she broken the link to your PSN account in the account settings of her Epic account?


No, as soon as the Epic Games account is linked to the PSN or Xbox account, the PSN or Xbox account is permanently linked to the respective Epic Games account. You can unlink but only reconnect to the exact same PSN or Xbox account. As far as I know!


Oh okay


Yes, she has already done that