Connect epic account with new psn?

- in Account

I and my sister recently got a new one / 2. Bought Ps4.

Before that we played together on a profile and always exchanged ideas. Accordingly, all of our progress is in one account.

Because my sister is only playing Fortnite and does not want to open a new account because otherwise all her purchases are gone, I wonder if you can link your 'old' epic account from a 'old' psn account to a new one? That she has all purchases etc on her newly created Psn account and I have all my progress on the 'old' account except for that in Fortnite.


I guess since I don't have as much idea about the ps4 that you hear your sister's on the ps4, that she has to register with the epickonto from the fortnite acc on your sister's ps4. If you don't have an epickonto then she has to log in with the psn data from the ps4 where she was playing. If you have an epickonto then ask them if you have an account with fortnite. I had to create a new user for a friend on ps4 and they asked for an epickonto. You can have a look at epicgames on the internet and then you can log in to epic with your psn data and look for account data. (This is what I guess it can be different) I hope I could help you a little

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