Fortnite good or bad? - 1


How do you like the game?


I'm not a fan of shooters in general, but I don't find it explicitly bad either


Fortnite isn't a bad game. When it came out with "Save the Whales", I loved to play it. But BattleRoyale is not my world at all. The whole hype about the game is absolutely not my thing. I haven't seen it since.


It depends on whether you can do it, that is the case with every game. But nowadays you have to have a good aim, be able to edit quickly otherwise your fun will quickly end. Especially if you are new to it you will have problems


I really enjoy it, even if the fun has waned over the past few seasons. Fortnite is now back on track.


Since when does "Save the Whales" exist?

No, kidding aside. I agree with you. I can still see it, but I don't play anymore.


In my opinion, I think it's in the middle. I've been playing Fortnite a little longer and I have to admit that it used to be more fun. You have to understand the game and be good at times. You have to have that ambition.

Still, at the beginning I didn't like the new season at all, but after I got used to it. Can I deal with it now and sometimes have fun with it. Fortnite is a great game that I wouldn't give up so easily either.

Nevertheless, the sweats annoy at the game. Where you quickly lose interest.