Suddenly so good in Fortnite?


Yesterday I downloaded Fortnite again for a long time. I played the game actively about 2 years ago, but it was really bad back then. Now suddenly I'm really good. I've played three matches so far and always won. I have the feeling that the opponents are totally bad

What has happened there? Are these just bots and that's why I'm so good? Or do I just play against opponents who are exactly bad? What's going on?

Looking forward to your answers.


There are now bots in the game if you don't have a high level. Sorry that I just destroyed your illusion


Asso ok… And when are there no more bots? So for me it could stay that way, it's still fun to win.


No idea don't play Fortnite


I recently had a spell with Apex Legends. When I played it about 6 months ago, I was more so-so… Not so good, not very bad.

Now I've been playing it again recently and I noticed myself that I made a big leap.

I guess it's the time you put into a game. This is an ongoing learning process. If you then have a "low" in which you are not good at all, you come back stronger. This is the case with everything.

I know exactly what you mean!

EDIT: My level is very high in the game, so there are definitely no bot opponents!


If you haven't played for a long time, you will mainly only come with bots so that you come back with a positive feeling. There are quite a few sweats, if you play a little more in the next few weeks you will definitely notice a difference.


Fortnite has added AIs and skill-based matchmaking since chapter 2, so that poorer players often get many bots or extreme noobs as opponents. You can recognize bots by the fact that they often turn jerkily 180 degrees and at most build a wall and then no more.


So what the answers are there are BOTS. But Fortnite was great at that time about Season 1-2, because it was not yet 0815 there

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