I have mastered all challenges from week 1 to 9 and have already collected about 45 Fortbytes but unfortunately I'm still not 100 in the Battle Pass. Currently I'm Battlepass Level 71.
Does anyone know how I get to 100? By Fortbytes?
So I would not have internet for a long time and could get in season 9 only 2 to 3 weeks ago and I'm also level 71 best every day a few levels do the daily chores and if this gun game mode comes back in definitely play because of the sow many XP brings
If you do all the challenges and yet you are not max, you have to play mods with lots of xp at wins, such as group wedges or food battle. At the end of the season there's still an offer where you can buy 10 levels for 600 Vbucks. Hope I could help you.
Just pick up a few wins and earn 15+ rounds… Goes very fast