I have the game completely new and do not understand it.
In concrete terms:
Weapons: I can only switch between the pickaxe and the first weapon on the Xbox (via Y). I can't use the other weapons. How so? If the first weapon is out of ammo, all I have left is the pickaxe (then all I can do is find another weapon and replace it with the empty one).
How do you actually eliminate an opponent? If someone stands in front of me, I can shoot at him or attack with the pickaxe as I want, without success. Conversely, I'm always very fast over.
How do I find the opponents? Often I run bored for minutes on the wide field without anyone I see or hear.
How do I get out of the storm when I'm in it? I'm told to run, but the storm is moving faster than my player can run.
Sense of the game? I have played it five times so far. Every time about 40 people played. According to the result at the end, I have twice reached the first place and three times the 2nd place among the approximately 40 players. Although I did not eliminate a single opponent in all five cases! So who does not understand the game (like me) or stupid in the corner all the time, lands on one of the first two places? I do not understand that.
The purpose is to bring as much money as possible to the developers https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/computerspiele-unser-spiel-heisst-geld-machen-und-ihr-seid-darin-nur-eine-zahl/23808444.html
I would advise you to watch some videos on YouTube. For example, everything explained
Well that's not just fortnite like that. A game has the goal to earn money for the developers and that works just fine at fortnite
Of course, the intention of the developers is to earn money with a game. There's no need for research lol
Would you as well as I tried to give the best possible answer and if you had read through articles you would have realized that "making money" is still too gallant!
As I said. The goal of the developers is to make money and Fortnite even goes a better way than some other games. That's why I do not understand why you're writing "too gallant".
I recommend you to read the article
How do you not check it, but it does not matter.
By appearance, this theme exceeds your mental abilities. I recommend you look for a topic by using only a two-digit IQ like you
Can someone at least answer question 5 to me? Why does someone who has not eliminated a single opponent end up on the 1st or 2nd place among about 40 players?