Map not loading in Fortnite?

- in Battle Royale

My map won't load in Fortnite Battle Royale. I have a good internet connection, a good ping and my PC easily grabs the game with 120 FPS. However, at the beginning of the game, the map does not load, which makes the gaming experience horrible, as I have to wait 5 minutes each time until houses etc. Load and first have to stand around ingame. What could be the reason or how do I fix this problem?


Play something else. And you hear that from someone who played Fortnite for about 2 years.

There are so many games that put more heart and soul into it and do not make you aggressive.


I wrote about the same thing and unfortunately I had spent over 450 euro for this meanwhile "dirty game" haha


Me too, just under 200 EUR.

Fortnite map gone? me melted124
Update not loading? Co Commonalluring