Why has my map in Fortnite stopped loading yesterday?

- in Hardware

I have been playing on pc for 5 months and have always had 120-200 fps. From yesterday morning my map just stopped loading and got very violent fps drops it went from 120 sometimes to 10. My graphics card GTX 950 and my processor i7 950 I know my processor I'm very old but so far it has always worked very well.


Unfortunately, I lack the necessary information


You can try to clean the PC (and especially the fans) from dust. It is best to use pipe cleaners or, if you are very careful, use a vacuum cleaner at a lower level


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My buddy had the same problem: he disconnected his PC from the power for 1.5 hours, let it cool down because he had been running for more than 24 hours and then started again.

Everything went as before, no FPS drops, no map errors.


Do a driver update. That was also the problem for me

Fortnite map gone? me melted124