What's Better Fortnite or Apex Legends?

- in Battle Royale

Recently, a new Battle Royale game came on the market. Apex Legends already has several million players in a few weeks. But it will now outbid the king of the Battle Royale games Fortnite.

Be happy about any answer


Fortnite still has its own charm in terms of design, not taking seriously and building itself.
Apex is a game for adults, which many will find quite good. However, this Overwatch-Fortnite combo is appealing to many but, as it always is, it's a different game and it will create two fronts.


"better" is a very subjective opinion, because the games are a bit different and therefore you can't compare them very well, at least not in better or worse.

Well I think Apex Legends has a big advantage, Variation. Because although you can create a lot of different scores at Fortnite with Building, it is also extremely strong, people who can build well are hard to beat. From my point of view, there's hardly a "Counter Play", which makes it very frustrating for bad players, also a ranking system what should come now, I consider difficult. I think that in the long run the motivation for new players is dwindling.

Apex Legends, on the other hand, offers a lot of variation with different champions, defeating opponents not only with pure "skill" but also with intelligent use of skills and positioning, which in my opinion makes it much more enjoyable for new players, at least now, before Battle Pass etc. So in the long term could be more attractive.

On the other hand, I also believe that the game necessarily needs a solo mode and possibly also 4 / 5er, because only three people could play in the long term could have a negative impact on durability.


Find it very well. Fortnite I uninstalled after 2 hours and pubg find I meanwhile unplayable. Simply programmed too bad.

I've been playing Apex for 3h and it's really fun. Does it stay that way? The game is free, got a hype and attracts all the 16 year old cheaters. Lets see


Only three to play is really nonsense. We're either to 5th or 2nd in Teamspeak. Since you have to divide each time