How to get away from my Fortnite addiction?


I have a problem: I'm hugely addicted to Fortnite. I spend almost every free minute playing Fortnite. When I get home from school I immediately turn on the computer and play, I don't do homework. I've already put over 1000 euro into the game and it's getting more and more every week, I just can't let it go. I neglect school, my friends, my hobbies, my life in general, but I can't stop. The thing is, I don't even really enjoy the game, I'm usually completely frustrated after a round, but I still play for several hours. As soon as I try to do something else, for example doing my homework, I immediately lose concentration and think to myself "come on, a round of Fortnite won't hurt you now" and then I play again for several hours at a time. My parents don't care, they don't care what I do. I'm only 14, but I'm scared that I'll be addicted all my life, what's wrong with me. What can I do? I already tried not to touch the PC, but as I said, I almost go crazy because I feel so empty and bored, it's a vicious circle and I can't get out of there…


First of all, it is good that you have admitted your addiction, that is the first step!

But in fact you will not be able to do this without help! Your initiative is now needed! Contact a psychotherapist and / or a support group for computer game addicts. If things get really bad, you should also consider inpatient treatment!

I'm not giving you any illusions here, because there's a long way to go! You are just as addicted to this game as e.g. My father was addicted to alcohol.

But every journey - no matter how long - always begins with the first step!