Do you know good Aim trainer for Fortnite for up to 4 Euro?


Do you know good Aim trainer for Fortnite for up to 4 Euro?


Play easily with buddies playing field or in a kreativmap


Train with better or equal buddies, or Osu! For example, but if you do not like anime like me, look for a skin without anime characters, check it out for yourself, it's one of my worst pals in the group, it's almost the best and I like it 'Osu! It's also fun if you know how.


Osu is a completely different game. You can't just compare Osu with Fortnite. Also, in Fortnite the guns do not just shoot a beam…


Sure it is a completely different game, but I have not compared it but as '' Aimtrainer '' suggested, since you have to catch circles in time and then sometimes faster and faster. So a buddy got a good Aim.


That does not make sense. As already mentioned above;
The guns do not shoot, so you have a bit of wear at a distance. Since it brings you nothing to aim at an opponent, whom you do not meet anyway. You can be on it that often.

I have an idea of Osu and speak from experience. It does not help one to "improve the Aim". You may be able to train your attention and reaction time, but that is not necessary for Fortnite, as this is an open card.


Okay, but you have to meet the circles first.


This is completely irrelevant here.


Just because you hit a circle does not mean that you'll hit your opponent in Fortnite as well.


Do not opponents have hit boxes that you have to hit? Sure, there's always a lucky part in terms of the spray radius, but in a game where you have to press circles and, as I said, have to be fast and accurate, you can compare that to a match because enemies are also objects move and when you press with a weapon on you, with a pump gun, for example, in a close combat, you need accuracy and speed.


Bad example. A shotgun has a certain spreading radius, but since the world is very open, it will not only stay in close combat. What exactly does it do to shoot an opponent farther away when you have to aim higher to hit him anyway as the shot goes down?



My buddy:


You do not just have to spray it, there's also a tap, so you can shoot relatively accurate enemies even without a lot of spreader radius, but then you also need Aim, because you want to hit the enemy, not the trees or anything, if you just shoot and luckily want to hit the opponent then generally nothing, but Osu! Brings my feelings, even of my buddy's lot of something.


I do not have accuracy. Nevertheless, I'm good at my performance. Of course I'm at a disadvantage, but where can I show you now "my buddy":

Yes, I know the person and know what she looks like.


Sure, the profile is top, but I just wanted to say that my buddy there's no nonsense talking, he has become better. If you do not believe me, then I can do nothing, but we play in a group and he has really improved, I can't recommend more than and before people want to train the Aim train at these Aimtrainern on the Internet, yes you can recommend a game, which has helped a good buddy. (It's fun, too.)

Of course, sausage is what people do in the end, but I personally think nothing of the online Aimtrainern.


In terms of CS: GO, I would have said yes, that's quite possible, but not with "FORTNITE".


But I think so, otherwise I would not write it in here, but it does not matter now.


The weapons in Fortnite shoot but not as mentioned above several times just straight!


Yes, but you can also tap one, it's sometimes the same with CS: GO, but when you're in CS: GO Sprayst, the shots fly everywhere, but if you tap one, you can better control it.


Go on my statement instead of bringing another argument.


No matter what you want to work


If you're crouching, that's what you're aiming for.


Have fun.

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