I wanted to ask you if you think the old fortnite Season 1-4 is better than the current fortnite mine.
So the new one is just made better but in the past there were just a lot more violent weapons and places (e.g. Tilted Towers)
I only played this until season 3, after that the kiddies destroyed it
I think 1-6 were the best seasons. But I still think the current one is better than the one before.
Generally one can't say that. In the first seasons, fortnite was more appealing to the general public, because there were hardly any good players and you could keep up even if you only gambled from time to time. Over time, the players have all gotten better, which has resulted in many casuals stopping. Generally from the interface / graphics, live events etc. Fortnite has gotten much better.
So I personally think it's 80% the community and 20% the developers that it gets worse, too many sweats and the devs don't listen much to the community