Are these controller attachments also intended for triggering when gaming?


My son really wants to have them to play with for Fortnite and says that they would be normal attachments for his controller so that the fingers don't hurt while playing and it feels softer.

But there's "trigger" ect. Does that have an additional emotional function in gaming?


Moin BriBardot!
Don't let the word "trigger" influence you, it has to be called somehow. These essays are not necessary but a nice luxury so I can understand why your son wants them.
They have no emotional function.


They have absolutely nothing to do on an emotional level, but simply because you have better grip on the stick, can aim more precisely and don't get pain in your finger so quickly


So it has nothing to do with emotional

-Trigger are the 2 buttons on the back (LT, RT)

I think you mean joysticks

-Such grips are only there so that you don't slip and also that you have a change in height (which is good for aiming)

-The fingers would still hurt