Have two to three questions about the new Call of Duty Modern warfare?


I bought the game yesterday for the PS4. First of all, I'm not an eco-shooter, let alone a COD player, and I'm basically a Newby in the field.

to my questions:

1. Is it not possible to play splitscreen on the main menu in the Kopp menu?

2. Is not there the game variant, which is structured like Fortnite? Have read somewhere that this is to give this COD, but I did not find it.

3. Which settings are the best (sensitivity, aiming aid, etc.)?

4. How can you train to become better and faster? As Newby you have hardly any chance. Am too slow and my goals are catastrophic. If an opponent is more than 5 meters away from me, I just do not shoot at the enemy everywhere, if it moves then it is quite catastrophic. And those against are brutally fast. I see an opponent and want to aim at degree, then this has already killed me. How does it work?

Since not so strict, think everyone started small and was once a Newby.


I'll go through your points structured.

Have not tried it myself, but seriously, Splitscreen is disgusting anyway.
Which game variants do you mean, cross-platform or what exactly?
Everyone has to find attitudes for themselves, that means test by which one suits you.
Just grind the game looking for what it takes


Achso you mean Battle Royale, I personally do not play mw, just wait for updates otherwise. In cod, exercise really makes the master. Do not worry that will be


I doubt it, because Koop refers to playing with other accounts.
Thank goodness not, then the game would have been hated much more than before. Battle Royale has nothing to look for in a COD.
The best settings are those with which you are reduced to your skill and have no help such as the Aimen, which is the main reason why console players are spoiled in shooters.
Play, learn, keep going. Some are simply inherently better in fast dynamic games than others.


However, there was a 2nd Battle-Royal in BO4, and that was not what you said. - It was just very fast… Dead.


Black Ops 4 was born and has arrived on the Bnet forums as well as Reddit very badly. Not as bad as BO3, but still a letdown.


I do not like BO4 either, but that's not so much the BR, but the poor support of the game and the poor performance.

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