YT is not allowed to stream anymore?


I always stream Fortnite, got a mail yesterday that I should delete all Fortnite videos for copyright infringement, but all stream Fortnite, why can't I do more?

Besides, I got a strike, what did that mean? I can't completely stream anymore


Well, someone probably did not respect the copyright, your bad luck. It may be that you have used without license licensed music… Or images that were under license… Who knows.


I have not

My favorite guy over CSYON has the problem too, you can look at him too


No, then he has probably used something that was under license, Strikes is not without reason.


But why only Fortnite? Everything else was allowed to stay on it

CSYON also had to delete only all Fortnite videos


If he just used something in the Fortnite videos, which he was not allowed to do?
The reason should be the way in the mail of you.
By the way, if someone like CYSON has met them, there will soon be a bunch of people who will take a closer look.

Just wait and see.

Could also be that the EpicGames has said that no Fortnite may be uploaded or one of the skins is copyrighted, I know.

At the moment, just help wait.


1. From whom came this mail? Check off where this mail comes from. Is this serious?

2. Strike What is it?

A strike is almost a warning because you have used content from another creator or the Content ID system thinks you've used something like that. The corresponding author can then say what happens to it, eg. Slash a strike. 3 strikes and your channel is gone. Unfortunately, this is sometimes abused.

3. For games it requires a license to publish the game, you can apply for this on the websites of the publisher / developer.

4. Streams You regularly need a broadcast license.


1. From Epic Games

2. A strike on YouTube, do you know CSYON? He has that too

3. Did I, who have said I may, suddenly not anymore

4. Joa once a week