Is the Fortnite hype finally over?


Is the Fortnite hype finally over?


The hype is not so strong but still available.


I myself have never really pursued Fortnite but if you look on YouTube etc is not so much of the topic Fortnite displayed. And the clicks are synonymous with some down again


Yes, I would say so. The game is still playing a lot, but the attention on YouTube and Twitch has become much smaller.

Now depends on how to define a "hype". I would say first of all about the attention.

So I would say that the hype is over.

I also understand the "finally" in your question. Although I think the game itself is not bad and have played it every now and then, but you came in phases as an Internet user not around it, that was then on the nerves.


I played it too. I liked it too. Only those 13 year olds got on my nerves. If I wanted to travel relaxed bus, the whole time Fortnite was the topic. I was totally annoyed


Maybe you are not in the right place when looking for a relaxed ride on public transport…