Teaching Fortnite players a lesson?


I'm pretty pissed off and disappointed. I played a round very calmly and died of a player. How it is. He then said that he meant to kill parents and other bad things. I don't want to hear anything here because it's a game. I want to do something against this player. No do not report but something harder gives me ideas. He deserved everything, just not continuing to play.


But reporting is the toughest punishment you can take. Especially since it is a game that many children play and should not hear such extreme insults, strict measures are taken against insults.

But you can just try to kill him in the game all the time.


Okay is at least one main thing👍


I can only agree with the other answers. Of course, it is anything but nice to experience such insults. Nevertheless, it is best to report the player to the support team so that you do not face any consequences.

Beautiful evening!


What do you want to do now? "Hack" him and risk a likely 5-digit fine just because some stupid kid on the internet acts like an Aloch?

You can't do more than report.

Mfg Jannick (L1nd)

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