Hello people I have been a bit longer in fortnite so a bug that all the time all the objects are larger and steeper and the camera reingezoomed more everything tried pc reset even and nothing has helped have an acer kg271 monitor please help me
Can you send a screenshot?
Now I do not do it tomorrow afternoon. I'm not at home right now
Any ideas what it could be?
Can't say so without a picture.
Look at the Fortnite settings, maybe you've accidentally changed something about the resolution. If not, please send us a screenshot.
Uhh… Is not that normal? So I play stretched, I do not know exactly, because everything looks different with me anyway. Sry.
Looks normal to me. Write to the support and send you the video. Reinstall Fortnite.
Ok, I had played stredched for a long time, so it looks so funny to me
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