Fortnite jerky with good graphics?

- in Hardware

Have a problem with my calculator. All games usually work very well on it. Only Fortnite does not work at all. The game is only playable if the graphics are bad underground. I hope you can help me.

Hardware (I hardly know myself, just write some stuff on the vll help.)

Graphics card Intel HD Graphics 530

Processor Intel core i 5-6500 CPU 3.2 ghz

Have 8 GB of RAM, should be enough because my best buddy has the same and everything works out for him.

I hope you can help me, I still despair of it. Because Fortnite is graphically no challenge. If you still want to know something, just ask.


Do you have the nvidia control panel? If so then you have to adjust the settings that the right video card for fortnite is used.


You have no graphics card, little RAM. So it's clear that you can't gamble with it? Just a graphics card is very beneficial.

The integrated graphics of the processor is a joke!


If he has one.


As mentioned before, you do not have a graphics card and graphics cards are extremely important. You only have an on-board graka and this may be ok for some games but not enough for everyone. Either it's just a wrong shot (which I just do not expect much at the moment) or you just have not installed another one.

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