Should I get the Ryzen 7 7200X?

- in Hardware

When playing fortnite I have the following things at MSI afterburner:

GPU: 68 ° 1905MHz

MEM: 2051MB

CPU: 100%

RAM: 7148MB

D3D11: 190FPS

I always played on 1280x720 before because it was at 1920x1080 but now it is no longer (I think) but my cpu is quite hot, should I get the Ryzen 7 7200X or can you recommend me something else I currently have the 4x i5-6400k and yes I also need a new mainboard


First, don't believe what the software shows you.

When I open Hhomework Info on my PC, the program shows me a CPU temperature of 52 ° C. But since I have a digital display on my CPU that only shows me 28 ° C, just like in the BIOS.

And I would not buy the Ryzen 7 2700X in your place but stay with Intel and before you buy a new board I would first try the following.

Again the thermal paste on your CPU, because that can bring a lot.

And with the Ryzen processors you can get problems with the Ram. Go to Youtube / Rawiioli and there you will see how often he has ramp problems with Ryzen. And with games, Intel is still better than AMD.

If you want high-end, of course, it gets really expensive.

On my Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Xtreme and the i9 9900K, the voltage converters only reach 35 ° C under full load and the CPU 42 ° C.

Of course, configuration with the RTX 2080ti with 11GB, board, ram, CPU, water cooling, sound card, 1 x 1TB M.2.2 x 2TB M.2.4TB HDD and housing costs 4500 euro.

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