First better processor or better graphics card (RTX 2070 / Better CPU)?

- in Hardware

At the moment I have a GTX 1050Ti and a Ryzen 5 2400g. Now I want to upgrade to a RTX 2070 and a better processor (not sure yet). Now I ask myself the question, which component I should get first, since I have that money not directly for both. So what brings me better performance for those 1-2 months while saving on the other component? I mainly use the PC for gaming and almost always play Fortnite on competitive settings. As I play at the highest level in the competitive scene, I need the best performance at short notice. 1-2 months later, as I said, the other component would be bought!


The graphics card will definitely bring you more power. The R5 2400g is not that bad. But if you have the money then you should go to the R5 2600. I'd rather buy the GPU first.


First graphics card, later maybe another processor.


Thank you!


A better graphics card will definitely get you more. The Ryzen 5 2400G is actually quite a decent processor.

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